Our Story

Our New Garden Farm is a “new creation” project—one that gives a foretaste of Christ’s Kingdom banquet to come. We are a ministry of Church of the Redeemer, an Anglican Church in Greensboro, NC.

Our farm ministry was founded in July 2017, when Redeemer moved onto a piece of land purchased from a plant nursery, complete with a 6,000-square foot greenhouse and five agricultural high tunnels for four-season production. Our church’s founding pastor, the Rt. Rev. Alan Hawkins, and the vestry had been searching for a piece of land on which they could develop a parish built in the old monastic model of having worship, work, prayer, and rest all intertwined on a shared piece of land. Thus, New Garden Park (the larger property which our land is a part of) and New Garden Farm were born.

God has been deeply faithful over the past several years, as we have transformed nearly an acre from gravel-covered wasteland into productive, intensively and sustainably farmed land. It has been such a gift to us to witness all of the fruit of this land thus far—both physical produce as well as the fruit of worship, friendship, and thanksgiving which continues to grow here.

The Rt. Rev. Alan Hawkins with our current Farm Director, Steven Hebbard, out by the west field of our farm!

We’re always amazed when we look at old photos of our gravel-covered property and compare it to the lush, wild garden land which our farm is today!